The Federal Foreign Office of the Federal Republic of Germany supports the process of regional integration in the ASEAN region with capacity development aiming at strengthening the AHA Centre. It has entrusted Germany’s GIZ (Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit Gmb) with the implementation of its most recent project in cooperation with the AHA Centre, aimed to strengthen the capacities and work processes of the AHA Centre’s corporate units by supporting institutional and capacity development efforts.
The German Federal Government had previously developed the Global Initiative on Disaster Risk Management (GIDRM), under the responsibility of the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ), as a network that brought together German and international disaster stakeholders from government, the private sector, academia and civil society. Its objective was to develop customised solutions to specific challenges in disaster risk management and to meet global demand by devising high-quality, innovative and sustainable approaches, with several of ASEAN Member States engaged in the pilot project.
More recently, Germany has developed a new programme with the AHA Centre focused on Institutional Strengthening and Capacity Development (Capacities4AHAC), that is a stand-alone measure implemented through the agreement between the ASEAN and the Federal Republic of Germany. This regional project works alongside the AHA Centre and selected national civil protection authorities and civil society organisations, and aims to support ASEAN Member State integration and cooperation, contributing to stability, peace and security in the ASEAN region.
To become the leading organisation for ASEAN’s disaster management – including leading capacity building and becoming a knowledge and information centre – the AHA Centre needs to be equipped with strong institutional capacities and corporate units. Therefore, the project will support the AHA Centre to strengthen the capacities and work processes of the corporate units of the AHA-Centre.
The project approach incorporates various elements of capacity development, with a focus on personnel development of specialists and executives, long-term and short-term expert assignments, study tours, eLearning, and expert dialogues. Capacity development needs and instruments are identified and applied in close cooperation with the AHA Centre in order to achieve the best possible results and impacts. Through the cooperation with other relevant projects commissioned by the German Foreign Office, this project ensures synergy and a strengthening of the German contribution and its visibility in the ASEAN region.
The project implementation will be carried out in close cooperation and coordination with the AHA Centre in Jakarta, other dialogue and development partners working in ASEAN, as well as with the German Embassy in Jakarta and Foreign Office in Berlin. It will run throughout 2020 and 2021, and delivered under a budget of € 800,000 managed by GIZ.
Written by : Ina Rachmawati | Photo : Private collection